Masterplast will help save the children this year too

Masterplast’s subsidiary in Hungary is supporting the Hungarian Save the Children Foundation with more than two million sixty thousand forints. In the “Let’s save the children together!” campaign, established in 2015 by Masterplast’s Hungarian subsidiary and already a tradition, Masterplast Nyrt. vice-president Balázs Ács and Masterplast Hungaria Kft. manager László Pécsi handed over a donation of two million sixty thousand forints to Dr. Éva Gesztes, professional head of the Hungarian Save the Children Foundation, in the Tóváros Primary School in Székesfehérvár.

In the Masterplast Hungária Kft. traditional end of year partner’s drive, two forints will be set aside for the Hungarian Save the Children Foundation on each metre of dry construction profile and each square metre of plasterboard purchased.

According to the organisation’s plans, the amount donated by the company will be used for the purchase of an i-STAT Abbott blood analyser minilab device.

“A case of diarrhoea and vomiting is induced much more quickly in children by an ion shift. If we can diagnose this on the spot with a minilab instrument, this could even save lives. Besides this, for children in need of artificial respiration, or on resuscitation, a quick blood gas test may decide the patient’s fate” – recounted Dr. Éva Gesztes, the professional head of the foundation.

The foundation has been operating children’s ambulance cars in various parts of the country for 13 years. At the beginning, our goal was to improve modern emergency care for children, in collaboration with the National Ambulance Service. The ambulances are directed by the NAS based on incoming calls for help made to 112” – added doctor Gesztes.
The staff of the ambulance car is made up of an ambulance doctor proficient in treating children and an ambulance nurse, who is also the car’s driver. Its equipment is more extensive than that of a normal response unit, as it is supplemented with special medicines needed for treating children and instruments in a unique range of sizes. Thanks to this and to daily routine, the foundation doctors and nurses are much better prepared for treating the smallest of patients. Besides emergency care duties, the foundation has long played a pioneering role in the field of saving children by searching for new instruments and procedures and promulgating them in this country, as well as laying significant stress on teaching accident prevention and first aid skills. In the context of handing over the donation, the teachers of Székesfehérvár Tóváros Primary School were able to attend training organised by Masterplast. “It is important for us that in the context of our now traditional campaign, we could also establish institutional first aid training, as 75% of accidents and diseases are preventable with the proper skills and attention” – commented Balázs Ács, vice-president of Masterplast Nyrt.

“We are very pleased that training on this subject is being launched in our city. There are close to twenty thousand students in institutes of public education in Székesfehérvár, and their safety is also enhanced by this initiative” stated Attila Mészáros, deputy major of Székesfehérvár in charge of special developments and youth affairs, the chief patron of the event. “The most valuable first 10-15 minutes of handling emergencies is in the hands of the layman offering first aid, and with this training we can be more prepared in such cases” – added Mrs. Zoltán Schnee, headmistress of Tóváros Primary School.

Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.