The KÉPES scheme continues with Masterplast support

The aim of the initiative designated KÉPES (i.e. the Community Value Creation Scheme – Together for Székesfehérvár!) is for the corporate sphere and the city council to join together to meet challenges waiting for solutions, thus creating lasting value for the local community since 2013. This year, the yards of four nursery schools will be renovated under the scheme.

Last year, following the modernisation of sanitary facilities, the scheme continued with the renovation of yards and outdoor areas. Under the scheme the yards of three nursery schools were renovated in 2018 – the Tolna Street Nursery School, the Inner City Brunszvik Teréz Nursery School and the Uptown Nursery School.


In 2019, four nursery school yards will be renovated under the KÉPES scheme: the Rákóczi Street Nursery School (Rákóczi utca 30.), the Nefelejcs Street Member of Napsugár Nursery School (Nefelejcs street 54.), the Palotaváros Member of Ligetsor Nursery School (Kelemen Béla street 30/B) and Szárazrét Nursery School (Farkasvermi street 1.), from which yards the irredeemable and dangerous playground accessories will be dismantled and replaced with new ones.


As in previous years, the renovation jobs will be carried out by experts from the City Trusteeship during the summer months, thus disturbing the operation of the nursery schools to the smallest possible extent.


Mayor Dr. András Cser-Palkovics stressed that the collaboration between the city and the companies in operation here is becoming ever closer. With the income from local tax increasing from year to year, there is a sure basis for implementing developments in Székesfehérvár, besides which, companies and the city council are also involved in the life of the local community in the area of social responsibility. “Those companies and partners which have joined play their part in every area. It is exemplary, how we have been able to work together in order to show: Székesfehérvár is a strong and healthy city, where we develop together by working together.”



At present, 26 companies and enterprises from Székesfehérvár and surroundings are involved in the scheme, and actively support collaboration. The participating companies are supporting renovation of the nursery schools this year with more than 16 million forints, to which Masterplast contributed a donation to the tune of 1 million forints. Székesfehérvár City Council will double this sum, and the labour charges for the work carried out by the City Trusteeship will also be financed by the council.


István Bozai, head of the City Trusteeship and Balázs Ács, vice-president of Masterplast Nyrt. come to an agreement following the press conference.


Besides the financial support, a highlighted constituent of the scheme is the formation of attitudes, and the promotion of the culture of voluntary work, so faithful to the custom, a volunteers’ day will be organised this year in one of the nursery schools concerned, where besides volunteers from the companies, the nursery school work teams, children and parents can also take part, according to the plans. On the volunteers’ day, certain jobs will be done, which contribute to making the nursery school yards more orderly.


A good yard may also develop skills – Four nursery schools are renewed under the KÉPES scheme.


After the Székesfehérvár nursery school yards, the renovations will continue in primary schools under the KÉPES scheme in 2020.



Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.