Successful community action from Masterplast

In order to contribute to the protection against the Coronavirus, Masterplast has launched a new community action. Within this framework, the largest Hungarian building material producer offered raw materials sufficient for producing 20,000 face protective masks for voluntary sewers without charges.

The initiative shared on Facebook spreaded like wildfire, and within just a few days, more than 100 voluntary “sewing centers”, from more than 30 settlements, have applied. Practically, the offered raw material was delivered to Székesfehérvár and many settlements within a 20-kilometer zone, and 5 other counties as well.  It was a significant aspect that Masterplast has offered the material for free, but only for those who forwarded the produced face protective masks to the workers in the frontline and the most vulnerables without charges. Besides the helpful people, sanitary organisation, municipalities, emergency management units and employers have also ordered from the material which turned out to have excellent mechanical properties to perform its functions.



The material, made of polypropylene, non-woven substance, is easy to breathe through, form, sew and  can be cleaned and desinfected. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for protective clothes which protects its environment from further infections and reduces the risk of its own infection, and can be used for multiple times. With a double-layer form, it could be equiped with a filter as well, which increases the drip-stop efficiency of the protective equipment.



Thanks to its voluntary employees and well-organized logistical solution, Masterplast delivered the ordered materials within a little more than a week. According to the feedbacks, the materials were welcomed gladly and the production has started at a fast pace.



The succesful community action received national television coverage as well.…/most-tortenik-2020-03-24-i-adas-3/



After the charitable offering, Masterplast provides similar raw materials at favourable price in large lots for sewing shops and bigger producers to produce not only face protective mask, but also protective clothing.


Download a tutorial of the ingredients used to make a mask.


Download brochure on ingredients for making overalls.

Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.