Masterplast donation: Four schools will be renewed within the initiative of KEPES

The initiative of KÉPES (i.e. the Community Value Creation Scheme – Together for Székesfehérvár!), launched in 2013, aims to bring the business sector and the municipality together to solve which need to be tackled and to create a lasting value to the local community.

In 2019 the yards of the Palotaváros Member of Ligetsor Nursery School, Szárazrét Nursery School, Rákóczi Street Nursery School and the Nefelejcs Street Member of Napsugár Nursery School were renovated from where the irredeemable and dangerous playground accessories were dismantled and replaced with new ones.


After completing the yards of nurseries, the renovations carried out in the framework of KEPES are focusing on the elementary schools.



In the fremework of KEPES among the elementary schools owned by the municipality and operated by the local education authority, János Arany Nursery, Elementary, Vocational and Skills-development School and EGYMI (Székesfehérvár, 90 Budai street), Zentai Street Elementary School (Székesfehérvár, 8 Zentai Street) and Hétvezér Elementary School (Székesfehérvár, 1 Hétvezér square) are going to be renovated in 2020.

The chemistry labor of the Teleki Blanka High School could also be renovated due to the program.


In 2020 the Local Education Authority of Székesfehérvár also joined the program, and as a result the supporting circle further expanded.


As in previous years, the renovation jobs were carried out by experts from the City Trusteeship during the summer and autumn months.


“We always have to highlight: this program could have never been carried out without the willingness, incentive and hard work of the local companies, and the co-operation of the municipality and local education authority. I am particularly proud that we could carry on this tradition that has been going on for years even in these socially and economically demanding times. I wish to say thank you to the companies who did not stopped at the kindergartens and continue their work to renovate the school yards and classrooms this year”, said Mayor Dr. András Cser-Palkovics apropos of the exemplary collaboration.



Currently 25 companies from and around Székesfehérvár take part in the program and actively support the collaboration. The participating companies contribute to the renovation of schools with more than HUF 14 million this year. The local education authority of Székesfehérvár contributes to the costs with the same amount, and the Municipality of Székesfehérvár covers the remaining amount. The fee of the implementation will also be financed by the municipality.


Besides the financial support, the scheme aims to enable the further development of awareness-raising and the culture of volunteering: so as a closing of the scheme a voluntary day will be held, where the volunteers, working groups, children and parents take part according to the plans. On the Voluntary Day those works were carried out that contribute to a nice and well-arranged environment in the schoolyards.




Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.