Masterplast’s green program wins an award

Masterplast Hungary won the CSR Hungary – Hungarian Corporate Responsibility Award 2021. The Hungarocell Green Program won in the "Best innovation for circular economy" category.

This year is the 14th time the CSR Hungary – Hungarian Corporate Responsibility Award has been handed over. The judging committee announced the winning entries in 5 categories, and the ceremony was held at the Hotel Marriott, Budapest. 


Since 2006- for 16 years- CSR Hungary has had a leading and pioneering role in spreading the practice of a more sustainable and more responsible business model across Hungary. CSR Hungary aims to make Hungarian corporations/organizations more competitive while influencing individuals to identify corporate responsibility and sustainability with a better quality of life. 


Masterplast Hungary LTD’s Hungarocell Green Program is Hungary’s first circular economic model initiative. Within the program, Masterplast ensures the disposal of the cut residues of insulating material sold by them and generated during installation. The Hungarocell Green Program has 4 stations. Wholesaler partners taking part in the program operate as Eco-Points. At these Eco-Points, people can buy the insulation material and the dedicated bags for waste collection. 


Enter the cycle. You can find the Eco-Point partners here:



Contractors or homeowners can collect polystyrene waste separately and get rid of it for free by taking it to the Eco-Points. As a result, the waste will not harm the environment. Materplast transports the full waste bag into its factory where via recycling process it manufactures a thermal insulation material called Thermobeton. This product contributes to improving buildings’ energy efficiency and reducing C02 emissions. The company has set to recycle 10 thousand cubic meters of polystyrene annually. 


Thermobeton is used to produce light concrete. The polystyrene powder coated in special surfactant mixed with cement and water is excellent for thermal insulation of lofts, ceilings, pitching flat roofs, to be placed under screeds and underlay concrete and to fill gaps by pools.



The event’s patron was the Minister of Innovation and Technology Attila Steiner, responsible for the innovation on circular economy and energy and climate policies.  

 The Judging Panel is responsible for overseeing the evaluation process. Members are experts of different industries and leaders of professional associations. They ensure an objective and fair evaluation process. 



Members of the panel are: 


  • Júlia Takács Júlia, founder and CEO of CSR Hungary 
  • Tamás Bihall, chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry responsible for training and education, and chairman of HEA’s Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county unit
  • Gabriella Kászon Kissné, chairman of VOSZ Budapest and Pest county Regional Association, vice-chairman of the commerce department of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pest and Érd County 
  • Mária Kőrösi, university lecturer, board member of Széchenyi Society
  • László Németh, chairman of the Hungarian Association of Craftsmen’s association
  • Gergely Osadcow, chairman of the Hungarian Estate Agency Association (MIOSZ) 
  • Tamás Regensburger, board member of the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE)
  • Ferenc Rolek, vice-president of  the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists, board member of EMVFE (First Hungarian CSR Association)
  • Ágner Szent-Ivány, a chairwoman of Joint Venture Association, founding partner and director of Sándor Szegedi Szent-Ivány Komáromi Eversheds Legal Office, 
  • Réka Szöllősi, independent food policy analyst, freelance consultant, and sustainability blogger
  • József Sztranyák, a vice-president of Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a vice-president of VOSZ Central-Hungarian Regional Organization


„In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a general shock in the economy, society, and the environment. Travel restrictions and lockdowns brought many industries to their knees. In many cases, this meant losing jobs. Corporate responsibility and sustainability will play a significant role in restoring pre covid conditions and reevaluating the present business models. Based on our experiences the past 14 years, for those who won the award, the independent professional appreciation gave momentum and by being recognized, they increased their company’s credibility.” – emphasised Júlia Takács, founder and president of CSR Hungary.


„As a responsible corporation, a sustainable future and to serve as an example is essential for us. Our vision of the future comes alive through the Hungarocell Green Program, with which we can provide a tangible green alternative for environmentally responsible users. We are proud to be the first company to contribute to promoting circular economy in the Hungarian construction sector.” – said László Pécsi, CEO of Masterplast Hungary LTD.

Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.