“Masterplast’s first aid course” – a new level of first aid training

Another course by Masterplast and the HUNGARIAN CHILD RESCUE FOUNDATION took place as part of a training course program launched in 2017. On 30 January, the teachers and students of Ciszterci Szent István Secondary School of Székesfehérvár were trained on what to do in case of emergency.

According to Central Statistical Office data, there were more than 1,849,000 students and 101,000 teachers in public education during the academic year 2021/22. It is essential that teachers working closely with students have the relevant knowledge, as in case of a health-related emergency, the first few minutes are crucial. After realising this, Masterplast launched a first-aid course jointly with the HUNGARIAN CHILD RESCUE FOUNDATION last year.



Masterplast started the program at the end of December 2018, and although some courses were announced for 2020, the pandemic intervened. Finally, on 30 January 2023, the cancelled course was held. Good news: this year’s event stepped up a level as this was the first time that, besides teachers, students had been able to take part in this type of training. Our goal as volunteers is to teach them the basic first aid protocol they can show their schoolmates.



“Have you ever considered what would happen if a student became unwell or had an accident on a school excursion? Would you be able to help? Our teachers’ must answer ‘yes’ to this question, that is why we were pleased that our school hosted this educational program”, said Ágoston Orosz, the headteacher of Ciszterci Szent István Secondary School, Székesfehérvár.


“The first crucial 10-15 minutes of managing an emergency depends on the first aider, and this period can save lives. Like in other situations, it is vital not to panic during immediate action but to start administering first aid immediately. In these training events, basic protocols are introduced”, added Dr Éva Gesztes, the CEO of the HUNGARIAN CHILD RESCUE FOUNDATION.


In the last five years, 600 teachers have participated in the first aid course by Masterplast and the Hungarian Child Rescue Foundation. Our company finds it of vital importance to cooperate with the Hungarian Child Rescue Foundation, as they are doing an exceptional job!”,Masterplast Nyrt. Vice President Balázs Ács added.



THE HUNGARIAN CHILD RESCUE FOUNDATION has been operating child ambulance cars for 13 years in several parts of the country. In partnership with the Hungarian National Ambulance Service (OMSZ), they first aimed to improve child ambulance services. Their ambulance cars are directed by OMSZ, based on emergency calls on 112. The ambulance car is staffed by a paramedic trained in childcare and a nurse, who is also the car’s driver. These cars are better equipped compared to regular ambulance cars, as they carry additional special medication and uniquely sized equipment necessary for childcare. Thanks to this and their everyday routine, the foundation’s doctors and nurses are better prepared to provide care to the youngest ones.


The foundation, along with its rescue activities and emergency care, is pioneering in finding and spreading new equipment and procedures. It also places a strong emphasis on first aid training.  The running costs of the HUNGARIAN CHILD RESCUE FOUNDATION are financed by 1% income tax donations. The equipment is purchased from other contributions.


Masterplast has been a devoted supporter of the foundation for several years, and in January 2023, they donated 6 million HUF, which will be invested in purchasing a new ambulance car.


Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.