Mastersplast received a positive rating from the Hungarian investment fund managers

This year, Portfolio has conducted its credibility and transparency survey for the 22nd time, in which investment managers and analysts rate Hungary's listed companies according to aspects such as the quality of flash reports, the credibility of the data provided, or the quality of ad-hoc information shared.

According to the survey, Masterplast took place within the first 5 most transparent companies in all 6 categories examined and achieved one of the most outstanding progress, according to the analysts’ feedback. Masterplast is committed to operating on a high level of transparency and practising intensive communication with investors.


“As a result of last year’s capital increase, our circle of investors has expanded, and transparent operation, to which we have always paid attention, now became even more significant. We are glad that both the market and our investors are satisfied with our efforts. We will do everything in our power to keep it this way.” – said Róbert Nádas, CEO of Masterplast. 


The method


Investment fund managers and analysts were asked to rate listed companies on a 1 to 10 scale (1 being the worst and 10 being the best mark) considering six aspects.


The first aspect is the overall transparency of the company. Still, they also investigated the credibility of the information provided, the quality of ad-hoc information released, the competence of the investor relations officer and also the quality of the flash reports made available by the companies.


This year the following companies’ analysts and investment fund managers participated in the survey: Accorde Fund Management, Allianz Investment Management, Amundi Asset Management, Concorde, Dialóg Investment Fund Management, Equilor Investment Ltd., Erste Asset Management, Eurizon Asset Management, Generali Investments, Hold Asset Management, KBC Securities, OTP Fund Management, Raifessien Investment Fund Management.




The first category local investment fund managers and analysts ranked was the overall transparency of the companies. After Masterplast improved its ranking by two places since last year, it landed within the top 3 for the first time in its history.


Regarding the quality of ad hoc information provided, Masterplast improved its ranking by one place since last year and entered the top 5. 


The question related to the competence of the investor relations officer received high scores, as it was impossible to enter the top 5 below 8.4 points. In this category as well, Masterplast did well, as being the only company to increase its score since the evaluation the previous year.


Investor relations


In this category, participants can vote on the professionals who actively participate in the communication with both small and big investors and who add greatly to the improvement of the Hungarian capital market. This year Sándor Pataki, OTP Bank’s Investor Relations Officer, and Róbert Nádasi, CEO of Masterplast, collected the most votes from analysts and investors and at the end came to a tie.


Masterplast Nyrt.

Founded in 1997, the Masterplast group is one of the leading building material producer and distributor companies in the Central Eastern European region. The company group owns subsidiaries in 10 countries, and sells products in a further 30 countries. The company is registered in the premium category on the Budapest Stock Exchange, and had revenue of 145,2 million euros in 2023.