- get_appInformation on the transaction of person discharging managerial responsibilitiesMASTERPLAST Nyrt. hereby informs the honourable investors that on 24 May 2023, Róbert Nádasi Deputy CEO on the grounds of exercising option right (Option value of HUF 2,370) - which were transferred without consideration by the MASTERPLAST Munkavállalói Résztulajdonosi Program Szervezete to him according to the Employee Stock Ownership Program 2021-2022 of the Company – acquired 23.414 pieces MASTERPLAST common shares in return for payment of the nominal value, by which his MASTERPLAST Nyrt. ordinary shares increased to 129.034 pieces.Updated:
2023.05.24. 10:36
- get_appInformation on changes to the management structureThe MASTERPLAST Nyrt. informs the honourable Investors that the Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting of 27 April 2023, elected Dávid Tibor, President of the Board of Directors, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company for an indefinite term. CEO Dávid Tibor has decided on the appointment of Deputy CEOs for an indefinite period from 27 April 2023, Deputy CEOs of the Company: Balázs Ács, Vice-President of the Board of Directors and Róbert Nádasi.Updated:
2023.04.27. 19:34