- get_appInformation on the purchase of a business share and a long-term strategy business development agreement in GermanyMASTERPLAST Nyrt. hereby informs the honorable Investors that the Company has acquired a 50% business share in Masterplast Nonwoven GmbH from BÜMO-Schrauben GmbH, which is wholly owned by Hartmut Layer, on 20 October 2021, by which the Subsidiary has become 100% owned by the Company. Simultaneously with the sale and purchase of the business share, the Company entered into a long-term strategic business development agreement with the BWK Group, which is indirectly owned by Hartmut Layer. The BWK Group undertook to market the building material products of the Masterplast Group through its existing Western European customer network in Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.Updated:
2021.10.20. 15:25