- get_appInformation on the purchase of treasury sharesMASTERPLAST Nyrt. hereby informs the honorable Investors that for securing the shares volume needed for the Employees’ Stock Ownership Program of the Company 1 584 pieces of Masterplast ordinary shares were purchased by the Company on 22 June 2020 at an average price of 626,- HUF on the Budapest Stock Exchange.Updated:
2020.06.22. 20:05
- get_appInformation on the purchase of treasury sharesMASTERPLAST Nyrt. hereby informs the honorable Investors that for securing the shares volume needed for the Employees’ Stock Ownership Program of the Company 2 500 pieces of Masterplast ordinary shares were purchased by the Company on 28 May 2020 at an average price of 606.- HUF on the Budapest Stock Exchange.Updated:
2020.05.28. 20:20