- get_appInformation on the purchase of treasury sharesMASTERPLAST Nyrt. hereby informs the honorable Investors that for securing the shares volume needed for the Employees’ Stock Ownership Program of the Company 2 800 pieces of Masterplast ordinary shares were purchased by the Company on 24 June 2020 at an average price of 620,- HUF on the Budapest Stock Exchange.Updated:
2020.06.24. 19:50
- get_appInformation on the purchase of treasury sharesMASTERPLAST Nyrt. hereby informs the honorable Investors that for securing the shares volume needed for the Employees’ Stock Ownership Program of the Company 2 900 pieces of Masterplast ordinary shares were purchased by the Company on 11 June 2020 at an average price of 638,- HUF on the Budapest Stock Exchange.Updated:
2020.06.11. 20:00
- get_appmasterplast_announcement_nkp_20190909engThe Company intends to issue bonds in the framework of the Growth Bond Program announced by the National Bank of Hungary. At the request of MNB, the Scope Ratings GmbH carried out the rating during which it calculated with the issuance of bonds up to HUF 6.0 billion, and which resulted a B+ rating of the bonds to be issued which is in line with the requirements of the MNB bond program. The Company plans to issue the bonds by the end of November 2019.Updated:
2019.09.09. 19:54
- get_appmasterplast_hirdetmeny_nkp_20190909A Társaság szándékában áll a Magyar Nemzeti Bank által meghirdetett Növekedési Kötvényprogram keretében kötvényeket kibocsátani. Az MNB felkérésére a Scope Ratings GmbH elvégezte a minősítést, melynek során legfeljebb 6,0 Mrd Ft kötvény kibocsátásával számolt, amelynek eredményeképpen a kibocsátandó kötvények minősítése B+, ami megfelel az MNB kötvényprogram elvárásainak. A Társaság tervei szerint a kötvényeket 2019 november végéig kívánja kibocsátani.Updated:
2019.09.09. 19:53